As I sit and watch the unfolding events on my television screen, war in Europe is no longer a distant memory – it is a current event. A delusional dictator is wreaking havoc on a peaceful nation. The populations of Ukraine are putting up a fight and it appears they will fight to the death.
Just a few days ago, Kyiv was a normal European Capital City – a large urban society with its citizenry pursuing individual dreams and living a nonviolent existence. Today, residents who were unable to flee the city, are huddled in underground structures, seeking safety from the Russian bombing and advancing troops. The Ukrainian President has enlisted the help of civilians to arm themselves and resist the Russian forces. I watched an interview of a young man who had just been issued an assault rifle. He was preparing to go home and google how to operate the gun. Normal people, with no military training, are preparing to stand up to a far superior fighting force… and my heart breaks for all the blameless people who will perish to salve the ego of one heartless narcissist longing for the good old days of the Soviet empire. As thousands of Ukrainians flee their country, European nations, as well as the United States and Canada, are preparing to open their borders to the refugees. As many as 5,000,000 Ukrainians may become displaced with an unknown amount of people killed and injured. Meanwhile NATO has enacted the response force for the first time in its history. Our troops and the troops of all NATO nations will protect the sovereignty of their allies – an attack on one is an attack on all. This is a display of unity against the advances of a tyrant. All sane people in the world are hurting for the people of Ukraine. You should care about this nation and what is happening on the ground right now! Many are surprised how President Zelenskyy (a former comedian) has risen to the occasion. Initially he didn’t want to panic his people and held out hope that a diplomatic solution could be found to fend off an attack. It is now apparent that Putin had no intention of pursuing a peaceful option. Zelenskyy has remained in the capital city with members of his administration. Zelenskyy knows that he is the number one target – he knows that Russia wants him dead, he has vowed to stay and fight. President Biden is to be commended for his efforts in repairing the damage done to NATO by the previous administration. Trump was quite willing to destroy NATO to further his ambitions, those of Putin and other dictatorships around the globe. Trump was also quite willing to withhold aid to Ukraine until they dug up dirt on his opponent… Trump and his cronies viewed a relationship with Putin as an advantage – a path to riches and domination – the lure of the glamour of power… Thank God, we have a leader today who is filled with soulful qualities – a man who feels compassion and empathy for his fellow man. A leader who understands governing and foreign affairs – a leader who possesses a strong and true desire to help – a leader who understands the limits – a leader who knows the difference between right and wrong and actively builds coalitions to do what is right. I don’t know how all this will end. Putin reminding the world that he has nuclear weapons is frightening – I certainly don’t see how you take that as anything but a threat. The sanctions that the U.S. and other countries have placed on Russia is meant to hurt the Russian Government and the Russian economy. The Russian citizenry will suffer as well. It is heartening to see the protests in Russia. Everyday Russian citizens protesting against their government – knowing full well that they face arrest and severe punishments. I sincerely hope that Putin is feeling the pressure or at least the demonstrations of love for the Ukrainian people. I remember reading somewhere that when Putin was a KGB spy, a supervisor had evaluated his job performance and noted that he took more risks than was necessary. This invasion thing, sure appears to be an unnecessary risk. It is well documented that Putin holds a deep, personal, stinging regret at the fall of the Soviet Union. The speech he delivered just before the invasion, revealed to the world just how delusional he has become. His views and interpretation of events certainly don’t match the views and interpretations of others on the world stage. We don’t know where this is headed. I only know that my heart aches for those involved in this war. All war is devastating. Devastating to people and to the environment. This war didn’t need to happen. This is a war of choice. A war of choice by one man. I am saddened that so many of my fellow Americans admire this man. What Trump, Tucker Carlson and Pompeo said in support of Putin, is beyond contemptable, its giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Putin is harming Russia, Ukraine and the world! I pray that the evil of his dictatorship and other dictatorships will be immobilized. I pray that peace will be restored, the earth will heal and Democracies around the world will be protected and flourish. I pray that the Holy Spirit will work through each of us – directing us in the right activity in the plan. In Jesus name - Amen
Hi – I’m Sue Reyzlik. In 2017, I realized my life-long dream of building a writing hut in the backyard. The writing hut serves as a creative space and home office for Oma Publishing. In this blog, I will share stories of my family history, varied life experiences, insights on being a Grandma (Oma), as well as, my “retirement” career as a self-publisher of children’s stories. Perhaps I will share a political opinion or two and maybe a little bit on the 32 years I served as Executive Director for Keep Fremont Beautiful. I just plan on writing and figuring out later if I feel comfortable sharing… I guess we shall find out together.
April 2024
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