NOTE: This is a Facebook essay written by me! Sue Reyzlik. It was a surprise to see it shared on another page, as it had been private. It was also a surprise to see people complimenting the person who wrote it... which they assumed was the person who shared it. It was an interesting dynamic.
My name was inserted at the top of the essay - it was misspelled - but my name was there... I spent a few minutes and thanked each person who agreed with what I had written. Eleven people shared the post with my misspelled name. I never intended for the essay to be public public so the misspelled name doesn't bother me that much but I do have to admit that it was sort of fun, in a way to see strangers agree with what were my words... And hopefully if someone decides to be pissed off... I won't know about it! I had a reason for writing the following essay. I wanted to write a piece that explained my views on trump. I wanted to counter some influences that my grandsons have been receiving from right leaning friends. I wanted them to know how I interpreted what has happened in the past few years and how I intended to vote. This won’t be my last essay for their benefit – or at least it won’t be the last at an effort to document my reasoning during this difficult time in American History and politics. It is unusual for me to delve into the political realm in Oma Sue’s Blog… but this is important and my grandkids need to know where I stand. When I’m gone and they have grown, they can revisit these essays and be reminded of what I believed in and what I stood for… Sooooo… here is the essay. _____________________________________________________________________________ I probably don’t have to say this, but the following essay is my opinion. My opinion based on watching the news, reading the news, reading others opinions, reading newly released books and visits with my friends, family and spiritual advisor. In my opinion, things are super goofy right now. In the world, in the political arena, in the environment, in the area of public health. Just to keep me centered on one goofy aspect at a time, I’m going to take a look at the revelations contained in Bob Woodward’s latest book. (The same Bob Woodward who revealed the evil misdeeds of the Nixon administration.) In the past couple of days, excerpts from his book have been released and the pundits have had an opportunity to examine the information contained within his writings. To further the validity of the information – we have heard the tapes. The voice of Trump – quite distinctly – saying that he was aware of the serious nature of COVID-19. He stated that the virus was worse than the flu and was a highly infectious air born contagion. Back in February, I along with others in the country were feeling a disconnect from the news reporting on the deadly virus versus Trump’s down playing of the threat to public health. I remember thinking that he wasn’t paying attention. That he obviously was ignorant. That he was an idiot. Now – with the benefit of hindsight and the tapes, I conclude that he was completely aware of the threat that the new virus posed for the world and specifically the American people. He was paying attention. He was not ignorant of the facts. He knew that COVID-19 was a beast – his exact quote “It’s deadly stuff”. He had sufficient time to plan and mobilize the vast resources of the Federal Government to fight this threat and minimize the death toll. That is what a normal person in his position would do. A normal person who had that power at their disposal. A normal person elected to protect American lives. But alas, Trump is not a normal person. It is easy to dismiss him as an idiot. An imbecile incapable of higher thought and calculation. Unfortunately, he is much worse than an incompetent idiot – although he is certainly incompetent and also an idiot. In hearing the words that Trump spoke to Woodward, I now know - that he knew the severity of the situation at hand. He understood the information being presented to him by his advisors. When presented with the information that could impact the lives of thousands, he could only see how this pandemic would impact his chances for re-election. He truly suffers from a narcissistic personality disorder. He is incapable of thinking or even caring what happens to anyone other than himself or his family – and honestly, I believe his family would be sacrificed if it benefitted him. As a true narcissist, his needs, his wants, his desires, his thirst for power - is all that matters to him. It was all that mattered when faced with the impending death of thousands of people – young and old. His first instinct was to lie to the American people. He knew that COVID 19 was deadly stuff and still he stood before the nation and likened it to the seasonal flu. It would magically disappear as the weather warmed. He made a conscious effort to mislead us all with his own brand of magical thinking. It was to his advantage to protect the stock market – to preserve the wealth of the 1% - to preserve his campaign of running on a healthy economy. The fact that lives would be lost was of no consequence to Trump. The loss of hundreds of thousands of innocent people meant nothing to him. Absolutely nothing. It means nothing still. It has been said that Trump is a malevolent being… someone who wishes evil on others. There are plenty of instances of his documented malevolence. His repeated calls for the death of the five young black men in New York, is a well-documented instance of showing a deep desire to do harm to others and I would go one step further in saying that I believe he derived great satisfaction by shaping public opinion and causing further legal problems for these five innocent individuals. His continued efforts to disparage these guys, after their innocence was proven, can only be described as malevolent and of course “racist”. His inability to admit he was wrong or apologize for his deplorable behavior, reinforces my belief concerning his narcissistic personality disorder. We all heard him say he could grab any woman by the pussy… when you are a celebrity, you can do anything. He has no regard for anyone other than himself. He has no regard for women, unless of course you consider his lust for his daughter Ivanka. He has been accused of raping young girls, some as young as 13. A total of 27 women have come forward accusing him of sexual assault. He continues to resist efforts to submit a sample of his DNA – something that would exonerate him if he were truly innocent. It would appear that the man does not care if he hurts someone and most likely prefers it. Trump declared bankruptcy (over and over) rather than pay the multitude of workers who built his properties. He didn’t care if they in turn went bankrupt. He didn’t care if their businesses were destroyed. He didn’t care if they lost their homes because of his greed. To him it was a business strategy – a malevolent business strategy that wreaked havoc and destruction. He wished evil upon all who came within his orbit. His narcissistic and malevolent handling of the Coronavirus has resulted in the deaths of nearly 200,000 Americans. Record numbers of our fellow Americans are unemployed because of his incompetence. He doesn’t care. I take that back - he cares how it effects his re-election chances but he doesn't care about the suffering of others. He has lied to the American public on a far-ranging list of topics (big and small) and continues to lie to us each and every day. He is not a well man. He has mental health issues and is driven by an evil energy – unfortunately drawing a large portion of the electorate to his cult of personality. As a country, we need each good soul to step into the light, rid ourselves of this dark force and set about correcting the rule of law for one nation under God. Help right this ship. Don't sit this one out. Vote – your life and the lives and future of your children and grandchildren depend on it. (If you can’t bring yourself to vote for Biden, that’s OK. Just make sure that you don’t vote for Trump.)
Hi – I’m Sue Reyzlik. In 2017, I realized my life-long dream of building a writing hut in the backyard. The writing hut serves as a creative space and home office for Oma Publishing. In this blog, I will share stories of my family history, varied life experiences, insights on being a Grandma (Oma), as well as, my “retirement” career as a self-publisher of children’s stories. Perhaps I will share a political opinion or two and maybe a little bit on the 32 years I served as Executive Director for Keep Fremont Beautiful. I just plan on writing and figuring out later if I feel comfortable sharing… I guess we shall find out together.
April 2024
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